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Add People to the Team and Set Roles

A teams manager can add additional peeple to that team. In Beacon, users can exist in multiple teams with different roles in each team. For instance, maybe you have a welding team and a machining team with appropriate robots in each team. The welding supervisor is a member of the welding team and has the role of manager in that team, however he is also a member of the machining team but is only a viewer in that team. This role based team membership allows the team manager to control the level of access that a member has within the team. In this scenario while the weld supervisor needs manager level authority in the welding team, he only needs to be able to view the items in machining. By being in the machining team he is also able to participate in the chat room for the welding team.

You could even setup a team in your organization with no robots, just all employees if you wanted to have a single chat room where everyone could participate in organization wire communcations.

Click here for more information on the roles that are available in Beacon

Let's learn how to add a team member and set their role.