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Teach a Simple Part Flow

The general course of teaching is to teach all of the weld motion before you add any Air Cut motion, this will allow you to best see where the robot can automate the motion before adding any additional. If there is an obviuous place where the robot would collide with the part or fixturing its good to put that in where needed, for instance jumping from one side of the part to the other side.

To add a weld, choose the weld component from the menu. Choose the type of motion you want the point to have, you can also change the motion type after the point is created simplifying the teaching. Using the puck and the free-drive button --green button-- move the arm to the point where you want the weld to be, press the teach button --blue button-- to record points, you can add as many points as you need to complete the weld.

Remember, when choosing the type of motion it applies starting at that point and moving to the next point, so if you set a point to be linear it will move in a linear fashion to the next point.

Place any step between weld points to break the points up into individual segments, this does not apply to tach weld type. With tack welds, each point is an individual weld.